Case Reports
Papineau technique for treatment of Chronic Osteomyelitis – A case report.
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Introduction: The approach to chronic osteomyelitis is a challenge for orthopedic surgeon, despite the constant evolution of surgical techniques and antibiotics.
Methods: We report the case of a 66-year-old man diagnosed with chronic osteomyelitis of the right tibial shaft, an open fracture complication, with 37 years of evolution.
Results: After several attempts to control it with antibiotics and extraction of osteosynthesis material, the Papineau technique was performed in 2 stages, with exhaustive debridement, filling the dead space with cancellous iliac bone autograft, soft tissue coverage by second intention, with the aid of Vacuum-assisted closure and antibiotic therapy.
Conclusion: Various techniques have been described for the treatment of such devastating complication, with the Papineau method emerging as a viable and current option, despite its almost 50 years of existence, being the target of constant interest and modifications, following the evolution of medicine, aiming the best results.
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